Package-level declarations
Name | Summary |
Android The default icon tint for Glance (a ColorProvider) used when none is provided as a parameter of one of the FontIcon functions. |
Name | Summary |
Android kotlin
A component that draws the icon using iconFont (with a default value of LocalIconFont). The icon will be size × size dp, and will be tinted with tint. If iconFont is a variable font, weight will applied as a variation setting, or else the font with the nearest weight will be picked. kotlin
A component that draws the icon iconName using iconFont (with a default value of LocalIconFont). The icon will be size × size dp, and will be tinted with tint. If iconFont is a variable font, weight will applied as a variation setting, or else the font with the nearest weight will be picked. | |
Android kotlin
A shortcut method to set default values for the Glance FontIcon composables. Might be better to use CompositionLocalProvider if it's for setting only one of the default values. |