fun rememberVariableIconFont(fontConstructor: FontConstructor, weights: Array<FontWeight>, fontVariationSettings: FontVariation.Settings = FontVariation.Settings(), fontFeatureSettings: String? = null): VariableIconFont
Creates a variable IconFont using a FontConstructor.
fontConstructor | a function returning a Font object, taking as parameters the weight (FontWeight) and the variation settings (FontVariation.Settings) |
weights | the supported weights for the font |
fontVariationSettings | the font variation settings, should not include the optical size ('opsz') and must not include the weight ('wght') |
fontFeatureSettings | the font feature settings, written in a CSS syntax |
fun rememberVariableIconFont(@FontRes resId: Int, weights: Array<FontWeight>, fontVariationSettings: FontVariation.Settings = FontVariation.Settings(), fontFeatureSettings: String? = null): VariableIconFont
Creates a variable IconFont using a resource id.
resId | the Android resource identifier of the font (e.g. R.font.my_icon_font) |
weights | the supported weights for the font |
fontVariationSettings | the font variation settings, should not include the optical size ('opsz') and must not include the weight ('wght') |
fontFeatureSettings | the font feature settings, written in a CSS syntax |
fun rememberVariableIconFont(file: File, weights: Array<FontWeight>, fontVariationSettings: FontVariation.Settings = FontVariation.Settings(), fontFeatureSettings: String? = null): VariableIconFont
Creates a variable IconFont from a file.
file | the font file |
weights | the supported weights for the font |
fontVariationSettings | the font variation settings, should not include the optical size ('opsz') and must not include the weight ('wght') |
fontFeatureSettings | the font feature settings, written in a CSS syntax |
@RequiresApi(value = 26)
fun rememberVariableIconFont(fileDescriptor: ParcelFileDescriptor, weights: Array<FontWeight>, fontVariationSettings: FontVariation.Settings = FontVariation.Settings(), fontFeatureSettings: String? = null): VariableIconFont
Creates a variable IconFont using a ParcelFileDescriptor. Requires Android Oreo or higher.
fileDescriptor | the file descriptor for the font file |
weights | the supported weights for the font |
fontVariationSettings | the font variation settings, should not include the optical size ('opsz') and must not include the weight ('wght') |
fontFeatureSettings | the font feature settings, written in a CSS syntax |
fun rememberVariableIconFont(path: String, weights: Array<FontWeight>, assetManager: AssetManager = rememberLocalContext().current.resources.assets, fontVariationSettings: FontVariation.Settings = FontVariation.Settings(), fontFeatureSettings: String? = null): VariableIconFont
Creates a variable IconFont from a file in the assets directory.
path | the full path starting from the assets directory |
weights | the supported weights for the font |
assetManager | the Android AssetManager |
fontVariationSettings | the font variation settings, should not include the optical size ('opsz') and must not include the weight ('wght') |
fontFeatureSettings | the font feature settings, written in a CSS syntax |
actual fun rememberVariableIconFont(fontResource: FontResource, weights: Array<FontWeight>, fontVariationSettings: FontVariation.Settings, fontFeatureSettings: String?): VariableIconFont
expect fun rememberVariableIconFont(fontResource: FontResource, weights: Array<FontWeight>, fontVariationSettings: FontVariation.Settings = FontVariation.Settings(), fontFeatureSettings: String? = null): VariableIconFont
Creates a variable IconFont using a Compose Multiplatform FontResource.
This function is marked as experimental because its Android implementation is using experimental workarounds:
On Android 11 and higher this will shortly create an in-memory file descriptor.
On Android 8 and higher this will create a temporary file (this file will be deleted after the font is loaded).
On Android 7 and lower this will also create a temporary file, but the variation settings will be ignored.
fontResource | the Compose Multiplatform resource ID |
weights | the supported weights for the font |
fontVariationSettings | the font variation settings, should not include the optical size ('opsz') and must not include the weight ('wght') |
fontFeatureSettings | the font feature settings, written in a CSS syntax |
Desktop (JVM)
fun rememberVariableIconFont(resource: String, weights: Array<FontWeight>, fontVariationSettings: FontVariation.Settings = FontVariation.Settings(), fontFeatureSettings: String? = null, density: Density = LocalDensity.current): VariableIconFont
Creates a variable IconFont using a resource name.
resource | the resource name in classpath |
weights | the supported weights for the font |
fontVariationSettings | the font variation settings, should not include the optical size ('opsz') and must not include the weight ('wght') |
fontFeatureSettings | the font feature settings, written in a CSS syntax |
fun rememberVariableIconFont(file: File, weights: Array<FontWeight>, fontVariationSettings: FontVariation.Settings = FontVariation.Settings(), fontFeatureSettings: String? = null, density: Density = LocalDensity.current): VariableIconFont
Creates a variable IconFont from a file.
file | the font file |
weights | the supported weights for the font |
fontVariationSettings | the font variation settings, should not include the optical size ('opsz') and must not include the weight ('wght') |
fontFeatureSettings | the font feature settings, written in a CSS syntax |
Skiko (Desktop & Web)
fun rememberVariableIconFont(alias: String, baseTypeface: Typeface, weights: Array<FontWeight>, fontVariationSettings: FontVariation.Settings = FontVariation.Settings(), fontFeatureSettings: String? = null, density: Density = LocalDensity.current): VariableIconFont
Creates a variable IconFont using a Skia Typeface.
alias | the internal name to differentiate the typeface |
baseTypeface | the base Skia SkTypeface that will be cloned for each required variation settings |
weights | the supported weights for the font |
fontVariationSettings | the font variation settings, should not include the optical size ('opsz') and must not include the weight ('wght') |
fontFeatureSettings | the font feature settings, written in a CSS syntax |
density | the density of the screen, optionally used to convert density-dependent variation settings to pixels |
fun rememberVariableIconFont(alias: String, data: ByteArray, weights: Array<FontWeight>, fontVariationSettings: FontVariation.Settings = FontVariation.Settings(), fontFeatureSettings: String? = null, density: Density = LocalDensity.current): VariableIconFont
Creates a variable IconFont using a byte array with loaded font data.
alias | the internal name to differentiate the typeface |
data | a byte array with loaded font data |
weights | the supported weights for the font |
fontVariationSettings | the font variation settings, should not include the optical size ('opsz') and must not include the weight ('wght') |
fontFeatureSettings | the font feature settings, written in a CSS syntax |
density | the density of the screen, optionally used to convert density-dependent variation settings to pixels |
actual fun rememberVariableIconFont(fontResource: FontResource, weights: Array<FontWeight>, fontVariationSettings: FontVariation.Settings, fontFeatureSettings: String?): VariableIconFont
Web (JS & WASM)
fun rememberVariableIconFont(resource: Any?, weights: Array<FontWeight>, fontVariationSettings: FontVariation.Settings = FontVariation.Settings(), fontFeatureSettings: String? = null, density: Density = LocalDensity.current): VariableIconFont
Creates a variable IconFont using the path of a font.
resource | fetch path of the font file as seen here |
weights | supported weights for the font |
fontVariationSettings | the font variation settings, should not include the optical size ('opsz') and must not include the weight ('wght') |
fontFeatureSettings | the font feature settings, written in a CSS syntax |