Package-level declarations
Name | Summary |
Common kotlin
Marks APIs that are experimental and may be changed. | |
Android kotlin
A function returning a Font object, taking as parameters the weight (FontWeight) and the other variation settings (FontVariation.Settings) | |
Android kotlin
A drawable that draws an icon using a icon font. This effectively just calls Canvas.drawFontIcon on the Drawable canvas. | |
Common kotlin
An icon font used to draw icons. Subclasses, methods and properties are internal to the library. | |
Common kotlin
Fixed icon font, for non-variable fonts. Multiple fonts might be provided to support multiple weights. | |
Common kotlin
Variable icon font, for variable fonts. The optical size (opsz) and weight (wght) axes will be automatically set. |
Name | Summary |
Common kotlin
The default IconFont used when none is provided as a parameter of one of the FontIcon composables. | |
Common kotlin
The default icon size (in Dp) used when none is provided in the composable Modifier. | |
Common kotlin
The default icon tint (a Color) used when none is provided as a parameter of one of the FontIcon composables. | |
Common kotlin
The default icon tint provider (a CompositionLocal for a Color) used when none is provided as a parameter of one of the FontIcon composables. If null, the value of LocalIconTint will be used instead. When using Material3, should be most likely set to LocalContentColor. | |
Common kotlin
The default icon weight (a FontWeight) used when none is provided as a parameter of one of the FontIcon composables. |
Name | Summary |
Android kotlin
Common kotlin
Creates a static IconFont using a list of Font objects. Multiple fonts might be provided to support multiple weights. kotlin
Creates a static IconFont using a Compose Multiplatform FontResource. Skiko (Desktop & Web) kotlin
| |
Android kotlin
Creates a variable IconFont using a FontConstructor. kotlin
Common kotlin
Creates a variable IconFont using a Compose Multiplatform FontResource. Skiko (Desktop & Web) kotlin
Creates a variable IconFont using a Skia Typeface. kotlin
| |
Android kotlin
An extension function that draws the icon using the typeface into the receiver Canvas. The icon will be size × size dp, and will be tinted with tint. kotlin
An extension function that draws the icon iconName using the typeface into the receiver Canvas. The icon will be size × size dp, and will be tinted with tint. kotlin
An extension function that draws the icon using the iconFont into the receiver Canvas. The icon will be size × size dp, and will be tinted with tint. kotlin
An extension function that draws the icon using the variable iconFont into the receiver Canvas. The icon will be size × size dp, and will be tinted with tint. kotlin
An extension function that draws the icon iconName using the iconFont into the receiver Canvas. The icon will be size × size dp, and will be tinted with tint. kotlin
An extension function that draws the icon iconName using the variable iconFont into the receiver Canvas. The icon will be size × size dp, and will be tinted with tint. kotlin
An extension function that draws the icon using the variable typeface into the receiver Canvas. The icon will be size × size dp, and will be tinted with tint. kotlin
An extension function that draws the icon iconName using the variable typeface into the receiver Canvas. The icon will be size × size dp, and will be tinted with tint. | |
Common kotlin
A component that draws the icon icon using iconFont (with a default value of LocalIconFont. The icon will be size × size dp, and will be tinted with tint. If iconFont is a variable font, weight will applied as a variation setting, or else the font with the nearest weight will be picked. kotlin
A component that draws the icon iconName using iconFont (with a default value of LocalIconFont. The icon will be size × size dp, and will be tinted with tint. If iconFont is a variable font, weight will applied as a variation setting, or else the font with the nearest weight will be picked. | |
Android kotlin
A function that draws the icon using the typeface into a new Bitmap. The icon will be size × size dp, and will be tinted with tint. kotlin
A function that draws the icon iconName using the typeface into a new Bitmap. The icon will be size × size dp, and will be tinted with tint. kotlin
A function that draws the icon using the iconFont into a new Bitmap. The icon will be size × size dp, and will be tinted with tint. kotlin
A function that draws the icon using the variable iconFont into a new Bitmap. The icon will be size × size dp, and will be tinted with tint. kotlin
A function that draws the icon iconName using the iconFont into a new Bitmap. The icon will be size × size dp, and will be tinted with tint. kotlin
A function that draws the icon iconName using the variable iconFont into a new Bitmap. The icon will be size × size dp, and will be tinted with tint. kotlin
A function that draws the icon using the variable typeface into a new Bitmap. The icon will be size × size dp, and will be tinted with tint. kotlin
A function that draws the icon iconName using the variable typeface into a new Bitmap. The icon will be size × size dp, and will be tinted with tint. | |
Common kotlin
A shortcut method to set default values for FontIcon composables. Might be better to use CompositionLocalProvider if it's for setting only one of the default values. kotlin
A shortcut method to set default values for FontIcon composables. Might be better to use CompositionLocalProvider if it's for setting only one of the default values. | |
Android kotlin
Common kotlin
Creates a static IconFont using a Font. kotlin
Creates a static IconFont using a list of Font objects. Multiple fonts might be provided to support multiple weights. kotlin
Creates a static IconFont using a Compose Multiplatform FontResource. Skiko (Desktop & Web) kotlin
| |
Android kotlin
Creates a variable IconFont using a ParcelFileDescriptor. Requires Android Oreo or higher. kotlin
Creates a variable IconFont from a file. kotlin
Creates a variable IconFont using a FontConstructor. kotlin
Creates a variable IconFont using a resource id. kotlin
Creates a variable IconFont from a file in the assets directory. Common kotlin
Creates a variable IconFont using a Compose Multiplatform FontResource. Desktop (JVM) kotlin
Creates a variable IconFont from a file. kotlin
Creates a variable IconFont using a resource name. Skiko (Desktop & Web) kotlin
Creates a variable IconFont using a byte array with loaded font data. kotlin
Creates a variable IconFont using a Skia Typeface. Web (JS & WASM) kotlin
Creates a variable IconFont using the path of a font. |